
Saturday, September 18, 2010

saturday evening

So I've realized, in fully articulated realization, that I love painting with an illustrative quality. And, I love illustrations with painterly qualities. I love mixing and matching. Now I'm going to learn how to paint more shapes and fewer (or no) lines, while retaining a sort of illustrative aspect. Here is my latest attempt, of the corner Dari Mart. I'd like to say I'll return to it and add that phone booth (I am fond of phone booths, they are fast becoming obsolete) and a few other finishing acoutrements but I won't hold myself to it. Let me say that the intention is there though!

11 x 14"

I didn't use any mediums in this one. Next up: more experimenting with the one jar of gloss gel I bought for that painting class this summer. Trying to take a decent photo proves difficult - the ambient light bounces off it most unbecomingly. So I adjusted the levels and contrast a bit in iPhoto. But it's pretty true to the original. I'm....mostly pretty happy with the results, considering my patience and skill level :)

I'm all signed up for Fall Term, four meaty classes: Printmaking (relief) and Algebra on m/w and Art History and Figure Drawing (emphasis on aqueous medium, says the course description) on t/th. Classes start at the very sane hour of high noon every day. It'll be great if this continues for Winter term. 

I've decided to NOT ride my bike to campus in the rain; instead I'll take the bus downtown and then back uptown and over the mountain to school (we don't have any cross-town bus routes here). I feel SO much better, having made that decision. During Spring (when it was raining heavily) I would ride cross-town to a bus stop with lockers where I could stow my bike and then hop on the bus to let it do the climbing, and save me from arriving sweaty and wet (yes, wet, even though I have pretty good rain gear). But then I'd ride home from the bus stop in the dark and the rain....I'm sick of it. Thoroughly sick of it. And tired, did I mention tired? Feels like so much energy to gear up and disrobe and pack all of my shit in bags with me. I must be getting old. That and the fact that I've been doing this bicycle thing for a decade (plus) now. Time for a change!

You know what I really want is one of those mini car/van/trucks you see on campus. Like a golf cart. They're so damn cute, and utilitarian, low impact, and quiet. Too bad they're not legal for on-road usage.

Oh but back to school and future trajectories.....I poked around the University website and although they don't have an Illustration section for Art majors, they do have Painting and Printmaking, which I'm very interested in and I think I would excel in. So when I transfer there in the Fall (next year), I'll have all my math done at the community college; in fact, I'll have all my generals done plus a good chunk of classes towards my major. And I'm looking forward to checking out UofO now.....wasn't too moved by the prospect before looking around the website. And admittedly, every time I go into the Arts building I am SO uninspired - every other building and department on campus is funded for restructuring and so on...the Arts building is....dank and lifeless. I also go to the Art building on saturday morning, when classes aren't in session (for the open studio figure/life drawing that's available to students and public alike). So maybe there IS life in there. And maybe I can take some letterpress classes.....oh man that'd be awesome.

So then I decided to poke around some more and came across all the MFA information. Why not apply for a GTF? So maybe I will delay the Master of Library Science and opt for an MFA first, or...who knows. Thing is, I feel re-energized.

Then there is the fact I recently learned that Ann Gale teaches at the University of Washington School of Art..........AND, there you can earn a BA/BFA in Painting/Drawing. Too bad that UofO has axed the drawing curriculum....shame on them. Stupid fucking sports programs shoulder out what's really important. Anyway, Ann Gale? Oh you should check her work out. Here, I found an example:

Ann Gale's

Gary with Light Wall

14 x 11"

oil on panel



Um........amazing, OR WHAT?!

Right. I'm wrapping it up rather early, as I was up raaaaaaaaather late and up so-so early. Bon nuit!


flask said...

hi. i often don't have much to say here; your posts are beautiful and self-contained and do not seems to beg conversation but i did go and look up ann gale and her work IS impressive. so thanks for that.

andres casciani said...

Hi there! thanks a lot for shearing your work and such wonderful recomendations, see ya soon!

Victoria Koldewyn said...

a belated hello and thank you both for your feedback and readership!!