
Friday, May 18, 2007

s.o.s. (?)

Make of it what you will.

I am totally infatuated with banksy. And by infatuated I mean completely in love with. And by that I mean a life-long long long long long love affair.

Aunt Flo is visiting, so I am very very tired. I must put myself into the horizontal, possibly with a hot water bottle. Will that aleve kick in soon, I wonder? Let us do hope.


Zhenia said...

I've got a thing for Banksy too.

Victoria Koldewyn said...

There is a hella long article in last week's issue of New Yorker that I am chewing on.

Consider me inspired....

Zhenia said...

I know. I'm saving it for this weekend. There's too much to do between now and this Friday at about 8 PM. Eeeep!