
Saturday, May 13, 2006


Last night I finally had one of those know, the kind that stay with you long after you wake up, the kind that infuse your sleep and wakefulness (such as it is..) with a buzz. This is a representation, drawn for a page in an art journal entitled Music of the Stringless Harp, for a gal over on Nervousness name of Teelget. I was SO hoping to have one of these sorts of dreams for the journal...which you can read more about over here on Nervousness.

It's a beautiful journal, too. She did an ace job with the binding!

Got home late, but still, needed to create. I did go to the film festival...quite enjoyable. There were definitely moments. But you know what, I am


about this little film I just found through this site: - check it out. And here is the link to the film called Tyger. It is utterly brilliant. OH my GOD I hope I have some more amazing dreams tonight.

It is so damn late. I've got to take myself off to snoresville.

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