
Tuesday, May 23, 2006

me tired happy girl

I had a bunch of blogworthies to throw I cannot remember them. Just a lovely day here, contemplative, artful, active, restful. Instead of a dream journal entry, I did a couple mail art pieces. Got some mail art, too, which I'll post soon. Can't decide if I want to take them with me to work and use the scanner, or rely on Ye Olde Standby (picture-taking).

I did a lot of standing at the art table tonight, after a stop at the post office, a longish bike ride, a stretch and meal and shower and laundry. No hanging the clothes out to dry on the line today. Rain all afternoon. It's been amazing, though - I ride between storms, all through my weekend. By the time I get home, it starts clouding up real good and it rains like the dickens.

What? Where did that saying come from?

I just looked it up. Isn't the internet a most unusual, curious, fantastic tool? It's a mild oath to reference


Thank god it doesn't scare me!

It doesn't refer to Charles Dickens. It's much the same as 'deuce': 'what the deuce you say?' Both euphemisms for Mephistopheles, The Horned One, etc et al.

Made some decos tonight. Love it!

And then I looked out the window and saw this:

I tried to take a photograph by setting the camera upon the stand-upright pantry cabinet and got this:

That is so cool it makes my scalp tingle. The camera is pointed towards the outside, which is also on the other side of the sliding glass door.

Time to catch up on a few emails, and call it a day. A good day.


Tony LaRocca said...

It's interesting you mention the whole dickens thing, because I just read about the same thing last night (on a wikipedia entry about a Doctor Who episode) syncronicity!

This, as all other euphemisms, has always facinated me, because it means the same damn thing as the word it's meant to replace. Once upon a time, people thought it blasphemous to say "the devil" so instead they said "the dickens" Wouldn't the god (or devil) that they feared know the difference? It's like cocky-doody. Why is that any less offensive than it's four-letter-counterpart? It means the same thing!

AscenderRisesAbove said...

holy cow; those are amazing photos. loved your photos and images here