
Saturday, April 08, 2006

Illustration Friday

...well okay, it's a day late, but it's MY friday - my weekend is here now, woo!

This week's topic: SPEED

So I'm thinking, ya know, 'in the blink (or two) of an eye...' I gotta get familiarized with Photoshop, ImageReady, and also Flash (which I now have) so I can make my own gifs. But for now, messing around with my digital camera is pretty fun, nothing fancy, but fun!

Soundtrack is Claire Voyant's Pieces.


JAN said...

speed can happen in the wink of an eye..blinking good art for illustration fri

The Unknown said...

Ha! Great stuff. Fun.

Issi said...

I like it, its suuuper! I like when you create clips :o)